Wednesday, April 06, 2005
One day we went to a rather large house, an estate really, where my grandmother had spent time growing up. I can't remember doing exactly what. But it was a wonderful place. There was a band outside, just two guys, I think. Bortom Havet. The name has something to do with the sea. The bass player was really cool, he had a huge upright for a couple of songs. The estate itself was magnificent. The band was under a huge tree with downward swept bows, not quite a weeping willow, but on that level of cool. The lawn was a deep, rich green and there were flowers everywhere. Some of the displays were quite amazing, as I recall. But the weather was bizarre. It would alternate between threatening a downpour and intense sunlight within the same minute. Which is quite the shift. Anyway, it was cool.
posted by Krister Rollins |
12:46 PM